Referring Veterinarians Can Count on Veterinary Dentistry Specialists

Veterinary Dentistry Specialists is here to complement your practice and serve as a vital resource when appropriate. We’re confident that, working together, we can provide the most comprehensive and progressive dental care to your patients—including the latest advances in anesthesia and analgesia.
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You can count on us to:

  • Support you with training and continuing education (CE) programs to strengthen your ability to provide superior dental services at your practice
  • Help educate your pet-owner clients about the importance of regular dental exams, including x-rays and cleaning, and encourage them to continue with regular preventive care at your practice
  • Develop co-branded pet-owner education materials to give your clients
  • Augment your marketing efforts by developing articles and content for your newsletter and/or website, and providing before-and-after case studies showcasing your referred patients
  • Validate your reasons for referring clients and their pets to a veterinary dentistry specialist at VDS

Bottom line, our aim is to do everything possible to support you in maintaining your patients’ oral health—and provide nothing short of exceptional service in the process.

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